Videos and Images page


(* Unless noted, all videos are .mov files. To play .mov video file, you need to have QuickTime video player installed in your computer; download it for free here)

Click here to download (free) these videos from iTunes U. Note: If you do not have iTunes pre-installed in your computer, accessing this link will prompt you to download and install it.

Also, see the interview here on the importance of technology in research and teaching. Dr. Ravi Palanivelu was interviewed by Gretchen Gibbs of the Office of Instruction and Assesment, University of Arizona, in June 2010.

1. Pollen tube guidance assay- Video 1

2. Pollen tube attraction to an ovule - Video 2

3. Pollen tube repulsion by an ovule - Video 3

4. Pollen tube repulsion by an ovule - Video 4

5. Pollen tube repulsion by an ovule - Video 5

6. Pollen tube repulsion by an ovule - Video 6

7. Pollen tube interaction with synergid cell - Video 7

8. Pollen tube interaction with synergid cell - Video 8

9. Pollen tube interaction with synergid cell - Video 9

10. Pollen tube interaction with synergid cell - Video 10

11. Pollen tube interaction with a wild-type ovule - Video 11 (.avi file)

12. Pollen tube interaction with a lre-5/lre-5 ovule that induces normal pollen tube reception - Video 12 (.avi file)

13. Pollen tube reception defect in a lre-5/lre-5 ovule - Video 13 (.avi file)

14. Multiple pollen tubes enter a single lre-5/lre-5 ovule - Video 14 (.avi file)









15. In vitro pollen tube growth - Video 15 (.mov file)

16. Semi in vivo (SIV) procedure for growing pollen tubes - Video 16 (.mov file)

17. Pollen tube growth and guidance in a microfluidic-based procedure - Video 17 (.mov file)

18. Stimulation of pollen (Columbia accession) germination by sulfinylated azadecalins - Video 18 (.mov file)

19. Stimulation of pollen (Landsberg accession) germination by sulfinylated azadecalins - Video 19 (.mov file)

20. Description of the semi-in vivo pollen tube guidance assay in Arabidopsis - Video 20 (.mov file)

21. A semi in vivo pollen tube guidance assay to monitor pollen tube discharge in wild-type ovules - Video 21 (.avi file)

22. A semi in vivo pollen tube guidance assay to monitor pollen tube discharge in gfa2/GFA2 ovules - Video 22 (.avi file)

23. A semi in vivo pollen tube guidance assay to monitor pollen tube discharge in gfa2/GFA2 ovules - Video 23 (.avi file)













Click on the hyperlinked "image" text below to see the image.

Click here to download (free) these images as a pdf file from iTunes U. Note: If you do not have iTunes pre-installed in your computer, accessing this link will prompt you to download and install it.

Also, see the interview here on the importance of technology in research and teaching. Dr. Ravi Palanivelu was interviewed by Gretchen Gibbs of the Office of Instruction and Assesment, University of Arizona, in June 2010.

1. Pollen tube growth on Arabidopsis stigma and style (aniline blue stained) - Image 1

2. Confocal image of a wild type pollen tube growing towards an ovule (Congored stained image, picture captured by Dr. Anna Edlund) - Image 2

3. In vitro pollen tube (LAT52:GFP) guidance to ovules (GFP channel only) - Image 3

4. In vitro pollen tube (LAT52:GFP) guidance to ovules (GFP channel capture merged with bright field image) - Image 4

5. A bundle of green fluorescent protein-expressing pollen tubes emerge from an Arabidopsis thaliana pistil explant - image 5